
EF-100 ceramic filter is tested and certified by NSF international against NSF/ANSI standard 42 fo e reduction of particulate class 1, chlorine, taste, odor, bacteriostatic effects and NSF/ANSI standard 53 for reduction of cyst and turbidity requirement only.
A-59-90 ceramic filter is tested and certified by NSF international against NSF/ANSI standard 42 for the reduction of particulate class 1, chlorine, taste, odor, bacteriostatic effects and NSF/ANSI standard 53 for reduction of cyst and turbidity requirement only.


  • EF-100 faucet mounting ceramic Filter
  • Performance Removal
Microbial Cysts Cryptosporidium 99 %
Chlorine 99 %
Taste and Odor 99 %
Particulate Class 1 99 %
Sediment 99 %
Rust 99 %
Turbidity 99 %
Bacteriostatic limit growth of bacteria, cyst at 99 %

Technical Specification

Easy Installation
Remove dust, rust and sediment.
Remove chlorine, taste and odor
Remove, cyst, limit growth of bacteria up to 99%