

Clean refreshing, drinking water direct from your faucet with our FS-2 water filter.

Ceramic Filter

Filter out dust, rust, cyst, Cryptosporidium & Giardia, particles and sediment contaminants above 0.9micron.


Remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, chromium • etc.

GAC: (Granular Activated Carbon)

Premium grade granular activated carbon filter removes microbial, Cryptosporidium & Giardia,chlorine, taste, odor, pesticides, (THM) and other chemical substance in the water.

Silver Carbon

Eliminates bacterial growth. Removes chlorine, taste, Odor & Chemicals contaminants.

Nano Silver Fibre(AG)

Micron-Nano Silver Fibre completely removes bacteria, cyst 99% and up to 0.01 micron.